Publication Ethics

The American Journal of Qualitative Research (AJQR) is dedicated to promoting and upholding the highest ethical standards in academic publishing. Our Publication Ethics guidelines are developed in-house to ensure clarity, fairness, and integrity throughout the publication process, from submission to post-publication. We believe that ethical publishing is crucial not only for maintaining trust within the academic community but also for ensuring that research can have a positive impact on society. These ethical standards are tailored to the journal’s mission and align with best practices recommended by organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).

1. Plagiarism and Copyright

AJQR takes issues of plagiarism, copyright infringement, and other breaches of academic integrity very seriously. All submitted manuscripts undergo a thorough plagiarism check using advanced software to ensure originality. Authors must ensure that their work is original and properly cites all sources. If plagiarism or copyright violations are detected, the following actions may be taken:

  • Requiring corrections or retractions.
  • Reporting the issue to the author’s institution or relevant academic bodies.
  • Rejecting or retracting the article.
  • Taking legal action if necessary.

AJQR reserves the right to reject any manuscript found to contain plagiarized content or that misuses third-party copyrighted material.

2. Open Access Policy

AJQR promotes the free exchange of knowledge by providing open access to all its published content. All articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which allows readers to freely share and adapt the content, provided proper attribution is given to the original author, and the work is not used for commercial purposes. AJQR is committed to making all published articles immediately and freely accessible to the public.

3. Publication Frequency

Since 2023, AJQR has published on a quarterly basis in February, May, August, and November. Special issues may also be released during the year based on the volume and relevance of submissions.

4. No Publication Fees

AJQR does not charge authors any submission fees, publication fees, or page charges. We are committed to providing high-quality open access without financial barriers for authors and readers.

5. Language and Proofreading

Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors who are not native English speakers are encouraged to have their manuscript proofread for clarity and accuracy. AJQR offers copy editing services upon request and for an additional fee.

6. Archiving and Self-Archiving

AJQR utilizes the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure long-term digital preservation, enabling libraries to create permanent archives for preservation and restoration purposes. Authors are encouraged to self-archive their published articles on institutional repositories, personal websites, or other platforms. AJQR allows authors to use the final PDF version of their articles for self-archiving, without embargo periods.

7. Competing Interests

To maintain transparency and integrity, authors must disclose any competing interests—personal, financial, or professional—that could influence the objectivity of their research. All disclosures must be made during submission, and the editorial team will review them to ensure they do not compromise the work’s integrity.

8. Editorial Board and Responsibilities

The AJQR editorial board consists of recognized experts in qualitative research who actively contribute to manuscript review and policy development. Contact information for the editorial office is provided on the journal’s website to facilitate communication with authors.

9. Authors' Responsibilities

AJQR holds authors accountable for upholding high ethical standards. Authors are expected to:

  • Certify that their manuscript is original and has not been previously published elsewhere.
  • Participate in the peer review process and respond promptly to reviewer comments.
  • Ensure that all data included in the manuscript are accurate and verifiable.
  • Provide appropriate citations for all referenced materials.
  • Disclose any conflicts of interest.
  • Obtain ethical approval for research involving human participants, including a statement confirming compliance with relevant ethical guidelines.
  • Notify the editorial board of any errors found post-publication, so corrections or retractions can be issued if necessary.

10. Reviewers' Responsibilities

Reviewers play a key role in maintaining the quality of AJQR. They are expected to:

  • Treat submitted manuscripts confidentially and not disclose information without editor approval.
  • Provide objective and constructive feedback to improve the manuscript, avoiding personal criticism of the author.
  • Disclose any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the review process if necessary.
  • Notify the editorial team if they detect overlap between the submitted manuscript and other published works.

11. Editors' Responsibilities

Editors are responsible for ensuring the overall integrity and quality of AJQR. They must:

  • Base publication decisions on the manuscript’s scholarly merit, originality, and relevance to the journal’s scope.
  • Ensure that the peer review process is fair, transparent, and unbiased.
  • Address any ethical concerns or conflicts that arise before or after publication.
  • Publish corrections or retractions as needed, following COPE’s ethical guidelines.
  • Maintain confidentiality regarding the identities of authors and reviewers.

12. Addressing Ethical Misconduct

AJQR takes allegations of ethical misconduct seriously, whether it involves authors, reviewers, or editors. When misconduct is suspected, AJQR follows a thorough and fair process, including:

  • Initial Investigation: The editor will investigate the misconduct claim by gathering evidence and contacting those involved.
  • Resolution and Sanctions: Depending on the findings, AJQR may take actions such as:
    • Issuing corrections or retractions.
    • Notifying the authors’ institution.
    • Imposing bans on future submissions.
    • Reporting to relevant organizations like COPE.

13. Ethical Research Involving Vulnerable Populations

Special care must be taken when conducting research involving vulnerable populations, including children, elderly individuals, and refugees. Researchers must:

  • Obtain informed consent from participants or legal guardians.
  • Minimize the risk of emotional, psychological, or physical harm.
  • Ensure confidentiality by anonymizing data and safeguarding participant identities.

14. Disclaimer

The views, opinions, and content expressed in articles published by AJQR are solely the responsibility of the individual authors. AJQR does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or originality of the content. Authors are responsible for proofreading and ensuring the validity of their research data.